Compare: AK620 vs AK400

Displayed below are comprehensive data and graphs that compare the DeepCool AK620 to the DeepCool AK400, showcasing critical qualitative and performance metrics. Performance metrics are further segmented into distinct graphs while leveraging the AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, illustrating how each cooler performs under various varying CPU power levels. This allows for a clear comparison of their relative performance and sound output when under different heat loads. The comparison is conducted under the following conditions:
  • Case: Praxis Wetbench
  • Ambient Temperatures: 23°C
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X (Pick Another CPU)

CPU Cooler Details

Metric Cooler 1: AK620 Cooler 2: AK400
Cooler Name AK620 AK400
Fan 1 Name FK120 FC120P
Fan 2 Name FK120
Manufacture Rated dBa 28.0 29.0
Number of Heat Pipes 6 4
Full Size (WxHxD): 138x160x129 mm 127x155x97 mm
Heatsink 1 (WxHxD) 127x109x40 mm 136x105x47 mm
Heatsink 2 (WxHxD) 127x109x40 mm 136x105x47 mm
Air Cooler Rating: Install 9 (Easy) 4 (Moderate)
Manufacture's Link AK620 Manufacture's Link AK400 Manufacture's Link

Product Links

Link Type Cooler 1: AK620 Cooler 2: AK400

Fan Details for CPU Cooler:

Fan 1

Metric Cooler 1 Cooler 2
Fan Name FK120 FC120P
Fan Location Front Front
Fan Flow Type Push Push
CPU Only Fan No No
Max RPM 1850 1850
Fan Size (mm) 120 120
Fan Width (mm) 25 25
Manufacture Rated dBa 28.0 29.0
Manufactured Rated Airflow (cmf) 69.0 66.5
Manufactured Rated Air Pressure (h2o) 2.2 2.0
Number Of Pins 4 4
PWM Fan Yes Yes
Bearing Type Fluid Dynamic Fluid Dynamic
Watts (W) 1.44 1.56
Current (A) 0.12 0.13
Max Volts 12.00 12.00

Fan 2

Metric Cooler 1 Cooler 2
Fan Name FK120
Fan Location Mid
Fan Flow Type Mid
CPU Only Fan No
Max RPM 1850
Fan Size (mm) 120
Fan Width (mm) 25
Manufacture Rated dBa 28.0
Manufactured Rated Airflow (cmf) 69.0
Manufactured Rated Air Pressure (h2o) 2.2
Number Of Pins 4
PWM Fan Yes
Bearing Type Fluid Dynamic
Watts (W) 1.44
Current (A) 0.12
Max Volts 12.00

Design and Aesthetics:


The AK620 boasts a dual-tower layout with two reasonably-sized aluminum heatsinks and a couple of FK120 PWM fans. Its design ensures excellent heat removal, allowing it to tackle even the most powerful processors. In terms of appearance, this cooler sports a sleek black top, two black fans, and a silver aluminum radiator, lending a refined look to any computer setup.


The AK400 is a sleek and stylish air cooler that features a clean black top, complemented by a single 120mm black fan, designed for users who appreciate a minimalist aesthetic. The it's single-tower aluminum radiator efficiently dissipates heat, ensuring effective cooling for your CPU. This compact and unassuming cooler not only delivers efficient performance but also seamlessly integrates into a variety of PC builds, making it an ideal choice for those who value both form and function.

Install Notes:


The AK620 has DeepCool's more modern installation designs as of 2023, which has more components than most for an easy install. The backplates are held down by single hand screwed nuts that also serve to hold the mount from the other side. This makes it easy to place the backplate correctly during the installation. The remaining portion of the install is similar to that of Noctua's typical installation, which makes it easy, but also can make the uninstallation challenging if the thermal paste sticks well to the CPU.


This cooler is moderately difficult to install and is more difficult than other DeepCool cooler installations. For AMD CPU's, the mounting setup can be difficult to place due to the mounting bracket doesn't secure through holes, but rather through notches for the AMD setups (This isn't a problem for Intel setups). For this reason, keeping the backplate flush against the motherboard while also keeping the install components in line may prove to be difficult and may require a second pair of hands. This also has a very similar installation to the AG400.

Cooling Performance:


The AK620 delivers remarkable performance due to its six heat pipes that effectively move heat from the CPU to the extensive fin array on the heatsink. It is compatible with a variety of processors, even high-end ones with high TDPs. This cooler can handle challenging workloads and extensive overclocking, making it an appealing cooling option. For those seeking Noctua-like performance without breaking the bank, the AK620 is a strong contender.


The AK400 delivers impressive cooling performance for its size, attributed to its four heat pipes that effectively transfer heat from the CPU to the extensive fin array on the heatsink. It is well-suited for up to moderate-level processors; however, it might not be the best choice for high TDP CPUs or those looking to overclock their systems.

Noise Performance:


A notable feature of the AK620 is its relatively quiet performance. The two 120mm FK120 PWM fans included are designed to deliver optimal airflow while maintaining low noise levels. Although this cooler might be louder than some alternatives of a similar size, its effective cooling makes it a strong candidate for your system. However, it's worth mentioning that some users may experience increased fan noise at mid RPMs occasionally.


This CPU cooler offers average cooling performance and operates at a moderate noise level. While it may not be the quietest option on the market, it maintains a comfortable balance between cooling efficiency and acoustic performance. This cooler is suitable for users who are not particularly sensitive to noise and are seeking a cost-effective solution for maintaining stable temperatures in their systems without demanding top-tier cooling or silent operation.



The AK620 is a high-performance cooler with a dual-tower design, six heat pipes, and two FK120 PWM fans that effectively dissipate heat, making it suitable for powerful processors and demanding workloads. Its sleek appearance features a black top, black fans, and a silver aluminum radiator, adding a refined touch to any computer setup. While the cooler generally operates quietly, it may be louder than some similar-sized alternatives, and occasional increased fan noise at mid RPMs is possible. Nevertheless, the AK620 is an appealing choice for those seeking top-tier performance on a budget.


This cooler has a moderately difficult installation, especially for AMD CPUs, due to its unique mounting setup. The installation process is similar to the AG400. The AK400 has a compact design, moderate cooling performance, and above-average noise levels. With a sleek, minimalist aesthetic, the cooler is suitable for various PC builds, offering a balance between cooling efficiency and acoustic performance for users seeking cost-effective solutions without top-tier cooling or silent operation.

AMD 5800X CPU Box Image

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X

Pick Another CPU

CPU Details:

Metric Value
Brand AMD
Cooler Name Ryzen 7 5800X
CPU Socket AM4
Cores 8
Thread Count 16
Max Temperature 90°C
Base Clock 3.8GHz
Max Boost Clock 4.7GHz
Cache L1
Cache L2 4MB
Cache L3 32MB
Processor Power Base 105W
Manufacture's Link Ryzen 7 5800X Manufacture's Link

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Link Type Value


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